
Helping kids navigate the leap from block-based to text-based coding.

One of the many questions we get asked from parents of kids who have been coding for a couple of years with platforms like Scratch and Blockly is “What’s next?”.

The transition from block-based programming environments like Scratch to text-based programming languages like Python represents a significant leap for young coders. It’s a journey from the visual, drag-and-drop interface of block coding to the more abstract and syntax-focused world of text coding. However, with the right approach, this transition can be smooth and even exciting for kids.

We’ve broken down some high-level steps on how to make this shift effectively.

Talk-it up

Start by acknowledging the skills your child has gained through block-based programming. Scratch and similar platforms lay a solid foundation in computational thinking, logic building, and problem-solving. Emphasize that moving to text-based programming is a step up in their coding journey, a sign of their growing expertise.

Introduce accurate computational thinking jargons gradually

Python is an excellent choice for the transition due to its readability and straightforward syntax. Begin with concepts that are familiar from Scratch, such as variables, loops, and conditionals. Use simple examples to show how these concepts translate into Python syntax.



If your child has used a repeat block in Scratch to repeat an action, show them how a for loop in Python accomplishes the same task.

In Scratch:

In Python:


Conditional statements

In Scratch:

Using an if-else condition to change what a sprite says if the score is a certain number.

In Python:

In Python, conditional logic can be implemented similarly with if-else statements, for instance, changing text output based on the numbers of cookies.

Variables and scores

In Scratch:

In Scratch, you might create a variable to keep score in a game, incrementing the score each time an objective is completed.

In Python:

In Python, you accomplish the same by defining a variable and then increasing its value. Important to note in Python, because strings are immutable (which means they cannot be changed after they are created), you will need to assign (using “=”) the new score back to its original score to observe accurate increments.

Functions and sending/receiving messages

In Scratch:

Broadcasting is used in Scratch to communicate between sprites, such as signalling when to start an action.

In Python:

In Python, while there’s no direct equivalent of broadcasting, communication between parts of a program can be handled through defining a function and then calling it. You can define a function to say hello and then call that function whenever you need to (Note: this is an incredibly simplified example of how useful functions can really be in making your codes elegant and easy to read!).

Create a side-by-side learning experience

Initially, work on projects that your child has already completed in Scratch. Recreate these projects in Python, making direct comparisons between how things are done in each environment. This approach reinforces understanding and shows the power and flexibility of text-based coding. Online resources like EduBlock offer interactive lessons that gently introduce text-based programming using a side-by-side comparison with the already familiar block-based coding.

Encourage experimentation and normalise making mistakes

Text-based programming introduces syntax errors and debugging in a more pronounced way than block-based coding. Encourage your child to view errors as learning opportunities rather than obstacles. Teach them basic debugging strategies like reading error messages carefully, checking for typos, and verifying the logic of their code.

Knowing what’s different

The difference in how you can interact with sprites in Scratch versus Python isn’t about what’s possible but rather how those interactions are implemented. Both Scratch and Python offer the capability to move sprites or graphical objects in response to keyboard events, like pressing the space bar. The key difference lies in the environments and how they handle events and graphics.

In Scratch:

Scratch is a visual programming environment designed specifically for educational purposes and ease of use. It has built-in support for graphics, sound, and event handling. When you want a sprite to move in response to pressing the space bar, Scratch provides a straightforward, block-based interface to do so. This simplicity is possible because Scratch abstracts away the underlying complexities of event handling, graphics rendering, and user input, making it accessible for beginners.

In Python:

Python, being a general-purpose object-oriented programming language, doesn’t have built-in support for graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or event handling in the same way Scratch does. Instead, you can achieve similar functionalities by using additional libraries such as Pygame. These libraries provide the tools needed to create windows, draw graphics, and respond to user input, but they require a more detailed setup compared to Scratch.

Other game engines:

Alternatively, if your child is ready to graduate from Scratch and wants to design and build their very own video game- Unity and Godot are excellent game engines to explore.

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