Key Features:
Google CS First is an initiative that aims to bring computer science education to elementary and middle school students in a fun and interactive way. Launched in 2013, the program provides free, easy-to-use resources for educators to introduce coding and computer science concepts to students, even those with no prior experience in the field.
- Always free of charge for everyone
- Engaging curriculum– choose from storytelling to game design to music and sound, the program covers a wide range of topics, making it relevant and enjoyable for diverse student interests.
- Inclusivity– The program actively seeks to engage students from underrepresented groups, fostering an environment where all students feel welcome and capable of pursuing a career in technology.
- No coding experience required– The program is structured to cater to both students and educators with little to no coding experience. The user-friendly interface and step-by-step guides make it easy for teachers to facilitate coding lessons, regardless of their own familiarity with computer science concepts.
- Fully online platform– allowing students to access the resources from anywhere with an internet connection
At Junior Coders Australia, we share the vision of empowering young minds through coding and computer science education. Explore our programs and resources designed to complement initiatives like Google CS First, providing a comprehensive learning journey for students of all skill levels.